New HoloMed™ contactless devices reduce pathogen transmission in Hospitals Holo Industries technology turns medical carts and patient monitors into contact-free zones. |
July 14, 2022 (Cottage Grove, OR) – Holo Industries LLC announces the launch of a transformative HoloMed™ line of holographic inserts for medical carts, patient monitors and other products that protect patients and hospital staff by virtually eliminating surface contact and touchpoints, thereby reducing the transmission of HAIs. Holo Industries will debut the HoloMed product line at Booth Q78 at the Florida International Medical Expo (FIME) in Miami July 27-29. Mobile medication and point-of-care computer carts are indispensable tools in the modern healthcare facility however, they are also vectors for germs and other infectious agents. A recent study1 found that 43% of physical interaction sequence between healthcare providers and their patients involve touching a patient and a mobile medical cart. Other reasearch2 concluded that the average computer and laptop keyboards carry over 3.5 million colony-forming units square inch. These studies, and the toll that healthcare-associated Illnesses take on the average US hospital annually (over $28.4 Billion), highlight the importance of using HoloMed touch-free devices. This new Human-Machine Interaction is only possible with Holographic Touch, a transformative new technology that provides accurate and responsive mid-air interaction without special lighting, glasses, or headgear. Anything a user can do on a touch display, iPhone or iPad, they can now do in mid-air: touch, pinch to enlarge, zoom, scroll, or swipe – even with surgical gloves. HoloMed devices provide safe and germ-free interaction for staff, patients and visitors and can be used in a variety of health care applications including medical carts, surgical and patient monitors, registration systems, hospital room controls, elevators, cafeteria and gift shop merchant terminals. “At Holo Industries we understand the importance of keeping medical equipment clean and free of viruses, microbes, and other infectious agents. We also know that the safest way to interact with any surface is not to touch it in the first place,” said Glenn ImObersteg, Holo Industries CEO. “For this reason alone, we believe our innovative pathogen-free Holographic Touch technology and HoloMed products will eventually become a standard in every hospital and clinic. We will be at Booth Q78 at FIME and invite everyone to try our holographic interactive medical cart and patient monitor for themselves.” For more information on Holo Industries Holographic Touch™ Products: www.holoind.com. Holographic Touch and HoloMed are registered trademarks ™ of Holo Industries LLC. 1. Interaction of healthcare worker hands and portable medical equipment: a sequence analysis to show potential transmission opportunities, By Chetan Jinadatha, corresponding authors Frank C. Villamaria, John D. Coppin, Charles R. Dale, Marjory D. Williams, Ryan Whitworth, and Mark Stibich. 2. October 13, 2016, CBT Nuggets: Bytes and Bacteria: Exposing the Germs on your Technology. About Holo Industries LLC Holo Industries is the inventor of Holographic Touch™, a disruptive technology that combines holographic plates, optics, sensors and proprietary software and hardware components to create highly responsive mid-air interaction. Holo Industries is the preeminent developer and supplier of interactive holographic systems, with prototypes in circulation in many of the major Fortune 500 companies in the automotive, hospitality, banking, medical, retail and transportation sectors. |

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